Choose the best polish; how to properly maintain the glass


Currently, the market is filled with all kinds of auto-chemistry, allowing you to independently take care of your car. No exception and means to eliminate scratches and polishing windshield. How not to be mistaken, choosing from all this variety? How to find exactly the tool that best solves your problems? Let's try to understand in order.

Before and after polishing

Why is it necessary to polish the windshield?

The reasons for the need to polish the windshield are as follows:

  • "Aging glass";
  • Janitors;
  • Inaccurate washing of glass or cleaning them from ice;
  • Rubble and gravel from under the wheels of cars driving in front.

Читать далее о том, как выбрать полироль для автомобильного стекла-->Старение стекла само по себе не происходит, если автомобиль простоит в ангаре 20 лет, его стекло не станет более мутным, чем при выходе из заводского конвейера. Старением условно называют незаметный процесс воздействия на лобовое стекло мелкого абразива в виде пыли и песка. Лобовое стекло исполняет роль щита от ветра, оно спасает пассажиров и водителя от массы пылинок, песчинок, камешков и насекомых. Этот процесс похож на воздействие пескоструйки, не удивительно, что со временем оптические качества автостекла становятся хуже. Любые предметы могут оставить после себя следы, чем дольше мы эксплуатируем автомобиль, тем больше повреждений приходится на лобовое стекло.

Janitors exist for quick cleaning of glass from water, snow and dirt, on the other hand, when working, they cause microscopic scratches. In order to reduce damage from friction, it is necessary to use liquid for washing the glass.

The motorist himself can often scratch the glass, clearing it of snow, ice and dirt. Dust, sand and dirt can cause minor damage to glass by falling on a rag or brush. At first it is completely unnoticeable, but then the scratches become larger and the glass becomes cloudy.

Crushed stone enjoys bad fame among motorists, flying out from under the wheels of a car driving in front of it, it can make a noticeable crack in the windshield or, in case of a big failure, break it.

All these reasons lead to the need to polish the windows of the car, and, therefore, to the additional cost of time and money.

How to restore the transparency of the windshield

To restore the optical properties of the glass, it is necessary to remove all scratches, small and large, as well as chips and cracks. It is necessary to understand that polishes are not able to completely eliminate all damages, these tools can fight only with minor micro-scratches.

Grinding and polishing products

Very often motorists confuse grinding tools with polishing products, and this is not true, since grinding usually precedes polishing, and during it glass is treated with abrasive materials.

The whole process looks like this:

  • Abrasive processing (to remove the largest scratches);
  • Processing with usual and filling polishes (in order to eliminate haze to the maximum and fill cracks with special substances with optical properties);
  • The use of insulating polishes to protect the glass.

Polished windshield

During the initial processing of glass, sometimes GOI paste is used, first it is treated with coarser types, gradually coming to a paste with a fine abrasive, which makes the glass shine.

Most often, power tools are used for grinding and polishing scratches; manual processing requires more time and effort. You can manually “wind up” the windshield all day long, and with the help of a sander, the whole process will take about two hours.

Choosing a brand of polish

According to its composition, polishes can be divided into wax and teflon. Wax polishes are more affordable in terms of prices, very common, but more archaic. Wax covers the surface of the windshield and does not allow dust to adhere to it, repels moisture. The same principle works and Teflon, but unlike wax, its properties are much stronger, any kinds of dirt do not linger on it. A thin layer of Teflon is absolutely transparent, and most importantly - it is a powerful insulator from abrasive, which leads to haze of glass. Experts believe that the regular use of Teflon polish can greatly delay the grinding work in time.

Consider the most popular brands of glass polishes:

  1. Turtle Wax;
  2. Sonax;
  3. Doctor Wax.

The auto chemical company Turtle Wax specializes in the production of car care products, there are shampoos from this manufacturer, and the polishing products allow you to keep your car windows in “good shape. Using the tools of this company, you can rid the windshield of small scratches. At the same time, the price of auto chemical goods Turtle Wax is low.

Turtle Wax Polish

Products Sonax gives good results, removes minor damage and stains. The range of this brand is quite wide, there are polishes with the content of abrasive substances, so the protection occurs simultaneously with chemical and mechanical methods.

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The products from Doctor Wax perfectly clean the glass, polish them well and provide excellent clarity and transparency.

Polish Doctor Wax

The considered brands are not bad, the difference between them is manifested in the details and in terms of price-quality ratio. Therefore, we recommend a tool from Turtle Wax, which at minimal cost gives an excellent result.

Summing up, it is necessary to say - you should not expect a big miracle from polishes, they effectively fight only micro scratches in the early stages and not bad repel dirt and water. To get rid of larger scratches, it is necessary to carry out glass grinding, and this is a somewhat more time consuming and costly process. In turn, proper care for autoglasses with polishes can prolong their service life and have a positive effect on optical properties.